Mirza’s Introduction.

As a person: kind, loyal, truthful, funny, and witty person who advocates for ‘eliminating homelessness’ and ‘equal women rights’ with a life-story of Heartbreak> divorce > homelessness > now married and in love again > own two successful businesses……..!

As a professional: Petroleum Engineer > Schlumberger > Immigration to Canada > Weatherford > University of Alberta (MBA & MEng) > homelessness > Vancouver > TransLink > KPMG > La Panache Consulting > La Panache Homelessness Elimination Society…….!

*(He claims to be the best consultant in town!)


Email # 1: Sent to TransLink Women

Date: June 03, 2022

Subject: It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later!

Hi everyone,

I hope you are well.

I would like to start by introducing myself to Gigi as I never got a chance to connect with her prior to this. Gigi, I am a former homeless person who feels hugely indebted to TransLink as it was the job with TransLink that enabled me to get out of the homeless phase of my life. The things I learned at TransLink enabled me to become a person who now can make a positive contribution to the business and society.

I worked with IPMO, TransLink Engineering and my position gave me a unique vantage point. At IPMO, I interacted with all divisions of TransLink (including subsidiaries) and was made aware of the problems/ roadblocks that were present in those areas. I realized that majority of those problems can be reduced/ solved by evolving TransLink’s culture. That’s why in Q4 2021, I shared the idea of creating a Culture Management Office within TransLink (except with Gigi). I also involved Big 4 consulting firms but found out that they do not have a solution offering of this kind. I also got to know that this term (Culture Management Office, CMO) was never used in business or academic world before.

Now I run my own management consulting practice (La Panache Consulting) and create custom, creative, and out of box strategies and tactics to evolve an organization’s culture (more details here). This enables the management to achieve their strategic objectives faster and cheaper i.e. 10 Year Plan, Vision 2050 etc.

The reason of contacting you all is that I need your advice/ feedback/ vision on one fundamental question (see below) and will hugely appreciate if you can share your views on it (either via email or preferably through a meeting (in-person/ online). If it will be done through a meeting then I will also introduce my business partner (and wife) Sanabil Tanweer (LinkedIn), who has been instrumental in the development of my vision, strategies and tactics.

QUESTION: what if we mandate that TransLink will follow strict gender parity on all hierarchal levels? i.e. 50% men and 50% women on each and every level of the organization.

Please consider,

  1. Will it enable the organization to achieve its strategic objectives faster?
  2. Will pioneering this trend in the industry benefit TransLink’s brand? (First mover advantage!), increased ridership and public trust!
  3. Will it help TransLink effectively combat the ‘Great Resignation’? (Over 450 open positions now, highest ever in the TransLink’s history)
  4. Increased quality of attracted talent making TransLink a more productive and agile organization.
  5. If we can ‘think different’ on this point, is it possible to rethink every problematic process within the company? (And I literally mean re-thinking each process that exists)
  6. The increased diversity in decision making will create new solutions, new knowledge will form, and the evolution will be fast tracked!

Your views will greatly help me with my services and marketing materials, and I will be able to provide a better value to my prospective clients in future.

I look forward to hearing back from you.



Email # 2: Sent to TransLink Women

Date: June 09, 2022

Subject: It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later!

Hi Teresa,

I hope you are well.

To answer your question, I must give you some background information so please do not mind a long read.

Whatever I do in my life now is because of only two reasons,

  1. I do not want to become homeless again, I do not want fancy lifestyle, cars, or home. I just want enough income to pay my bills and live a modest life with my wife and parents. My monthly expenses are below 4000 Cad.
  2. I want to eliminate homelessness from our societies. I know we can do this if we ‘think differently’. It is a grave injustice to our fellow human beings that we have left them to live a life of despair and pain with no hope. I know I can change the perceptions of people and to achieve this I need resources. I will forward you another email in which my discussions with CMHC, Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH), and Office of Federal Housing Advocate (OFHA) are highlighted.

Few days ago, I was chatting with Laks Kutty, HR and she informed me that they did a campaign to hire more women bus drivers last year. But when I asked her the question that why don’t we do such campaigns to hire more women in decision making roles? She had no answer to that. Does women deep down think that they are inferior to men? I do not think like this, we may be different but are equal. And if we are equal, then why true gender parity does not exist in our hierarchies?

I understand that women need allies to support their just cause of economic equality and true gender parity but at the same time women should also support the causes of their allies too. In this way, it is a fair partnership and the most effective way to move forward to achieve the desired end state.

All I am asking for is a reason to sit in front of people. I know I can transform and influence their thinking in a way where TransLink will become a more productive, agile, and transformative organization. If we are not sold on the idea of creating a Culture Management Office (CMO), then at least we can conduct a six-month feasibility study for the creation of a CMO. The results of this study can inform the leadership if they want to go in this direction or not, but I will be able to make people see things differently. We can also call it a Culture Evolution Office (CEO).

Just imagine, if we can make TransLink a true gender equal organization, how much creativity will come to solve the existing problems and how fast we will be able to achieve our strategic goals. I will also request you to think on a bigger scale that how this small effort may impact our society at large and how many opportunities for women will open. The whole society will benefit from it (if done in the right way).

Last Saturday, I gave an interview (in Urdu/ Hindi) to FM Radio 91.5 and explained my story and future aspirations. Since then, over 600 people added me on Facebook and showed support for my cause and now I have a team of 8 people ready to devote their time for this cause (4 women and 4 men, from different walks of life and ethnicities). People are asking me to come to CBC and other channels and my interviews are getting lined up.

I can feel that it is starting, and I want TransLink to join and benefit from it. If there was no TransLink, there was no Mirza. I want this superb organization to lead the way and set this trend in our industries. What’s there to lose?

So, to answer your question,

  1. Why Sarah: She is a woman, strategist, started Women and Allies ERG, and the most suitable person to understand me when I say that many ‘blue oceans’ will be opened.
  2. Why Tina: She is a woman, well connected in media, and have the insights on how to make this a social change eventually.

I am also working with Strategic Sourcing to be on a consulting MSA. Meanwhile, please let me know if you need any further information from my end. I will be happy to explain things further.



Email # 3: Sent to TransLink Women & Men

Date: July 07, 2022

Subject: It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later!

Hi Kevin,

I hope you are well.

Firstly, I will start by apologizing in advance for taking your attention this way, I tried contacting you via LinkedIn (twice) and received no response. My second apology is for a long read, I must be truthful and complete!

I am Mirza and I have worked for IPMO, TransLink Engineering for almost 30 months. I was then headhunted by KPMG and joined them in the new year as a manager. I then started my own consulting practice and now I own two businesses,

  1. La Panache Consulting, LPC (for-profit): provides culture management support to corporations i.e., Culture Management Office, CMO
  2. La Panache Homelessness Elimination Society, LPHES (a non-profit company): The aim of this organization is to eliminate homelessness from our societies. At this point I would mention that few years ago, I was homeless. Life was not too kind on me, and a heartbreak/ divorce and some financial issues rendered me homeless. I lived for a long time on the streets of Vancouver, Toronto, and Ottawa (in some real harsh weathers).

On June 7, I gave an interview in Urdu/ Hindi to a radio station and talked about my life experiences and future aspirations of working for the homeless people. The results were phenomenal, over 1800 people have added me on my social media handles. Since then, I have gathered a team of 25 highly intellectual, notable, and influential people to fight with me for the homeless. My media interviews are getting lined up. A creative studio will be making a Netflix style documentary on me and will be sharing profits with God’s creation, and LPHES team. We are planning to make series, movies, telefilms, songs etc. There are many other projects (blue oceans) which are opening for us. In short, everything we are touching is turning into gold and we feel extremely blessed and happy. We are confident that soon we will be able to eliminate homelessness and save these vulnerable people from a life of misery and despair.

Now, I will come to my reason of contacting you.

As I mentioned that I worked with IPMO, TransLink Engineering, that position provided me with a unique vantage point. I was able to interact with all the divisions of TransLink (including subsidiaries) and was made aware of the problems that existed everywhere. After a lot of thinking, we produced an idea of evolving TransLink’s culture, we knew that it would solve all the problems from everywhere. We involved the Big4 consulting firms to understand if they have an offering like this but realized that they do not have anything like this to offer. We also conducted our research and realized that this term (i.e., Culture Management Office, CMO) was never used before in the business and academic world. In Q4 2021, we shared this idea with most of your leadership team too along with many other people within the company. We also shared this idea in the Women and Allies ERG.

We routinely talk to many people within TransLink and the news we are hearing is making us worried. People are complaining to be extra busy, dis-engaged, and not happy. We deeply care for TransLink as if there was no TransLink, there was no Mirza! Therefore, we want to offer our help!

Kurt mentioned to us that he is wearing four leadership hats and is extremely busy. We saw you posting that ‘your job can be fun sometime’, we argue that it should be fun all the time. In fact, everyone’s job should be fun ALL the time. We know TransLink has over 450 vacant positions, which is the highest ever in her history. We can totally understand that what kind of problems this lack of talent retention would be creating for you. We understand that it is hard to deliver on the company’s strategic objectives when employee retention is a problem and people are disengaged/ over-busy.

Few days ago, we met with Busby and explained in detail that how easily all these problems can be solved. We spent over 50 minutes and openly discussed solutions with him. But unfortunately, he left us with a slightly selfish image of himself as when we explained the first move of the game, he quickly left thinking that we have explained him all the game! We were ready to explain him the complete game, but he was not attentive. We also offered him to become a part of LPHES team and be a representative of LGBTQ2+ community and solve homelessness along with us. We did tell him that his teacher/ mentor is a part of my team already, but he still declined.

In our conversation with Gerry, he mentioned that he is extremely busy, and his team have no time left to make their processes efficient. He told me that it takes him over four months to approve a business case. My response was WHY? I can understand that a culture is a living thing, but a process is not. So why can’t TransLink put all the stakeholders of a process in a room and give them 3 hours to produce a more efficient and better process. We really do not understand that why it has not been done before. It is so easy to implement.

In our conversation with Connor, we suggested him to let’s optimize EACH AND EVERY problematic process that exists in the organization. It can be done very quickly, efficiently and to everyone’s benefit, we just need to think differently. And this is exactly what our value proposition is, “we are creative thinkers who employ out of box strategies to solve problems”.

We really want to help TransLink; we have a deep bond with this company, and it occupies a special place in our heart. So, I would request you to please meet me (in-person/ online). I will explain the full game to you. You will see that how easy your and everyone’s else life can be while achieving all the strategic objectives on time i.e., 10 Yr Plan, 2050 Vision, Climate Strategy etc.

If you still need more convincing, then please talk to the people on this email. They will tell you that what kind of person I am. We are sure you will love us! 😊

Have a great Friday!

God Bless!


Email # 4: Sent to Women & Men

Date: July 07, 2022

Subject: It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later!

Hi dear brother,

Some humans publicly announced their stance, but many came privately! I also agree few are still trying to hide their cards. Anyways now we have all the records, we will tend to these records shortly! Also, someone raised a question on our openness, so we hid things! Let’s see if they like it this way better!

Soon you will be running your own team to do some work. At this point, we will mention that when you are training your team, please mention it to them that we are their ally, and we have a lot of love, patience, and respect in us. Also please do not lie to us as we also allow your team to try to understand our brain as much as they can. We are not worried if someone tries to understand us, after all who can understand the creativity! Moreover, He has given us your knowledge anyways!

So, on your journey you will meet a lot of different people. Below is a little handy guide on how to deal with them respectively,

Science/ Scientists: Show them the attachments to this email. Tell them about the Adversity Quotient, AQ. If they are a keen observer, they will figure out that the science has not understood this intelligence quotient fully yet!

God Believers: Here I will explain that why you should not be fearful. He has placed His believers on every country/ city/ town of this World. They are in a whopping majority in this world. Some clever person has made His believers fight between themselves. Soon they will stop fighting with each other and focus on what you want. Also, I will tell you what happened on the RIBFEST over last weekend in Coquitlam. There was a guy standing on the bridge with a sign stating, “Jesus is coming, Repent!”. I went to him and asked him if Jesus is the saviour, then why repent? Why not to be happy? Is he coming to save you or kill you? That person had no answer. Also, there are some news in this world which just cannot stay hidden! 😊

Please tell them that we have been doing our work quietly for a long time and we communicate with many people daily (this email is not the only email we sent today, lol!). They have no clue that who is in and on which team. So be bold and be happy! Things will change for good! Also, show them our website (https://la-panache.ca/), we have made ourselves available to the public too.

God Non-believers: We are not here to debate God with you people. If you deny His/ Her existence then its fine, do not help us, but do NOT interfere with our work! We will soon make this world a Kingdom of God!

You can also tell them that this time the game is as such that we will do our work with or without you!



Email # 5: Sent to TransLink Board of Directors

Date: Aug 11, 2022

Subject: It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later!

Dear Board of Directors of TransLink,

Today, I am writing to inform you all that a grave injustice that is happening within TransLink which is affecting employee morale, retention, productivity and hence affecting the delivery of a reliable/ efficient/ cheap transit system for us. At the end of this email, I will provide you with some solutions to solve these problems as well.

My email is directly related to your mandate as mentioned on the TransLink’s website i.e., point number 3: supervises the management of the affairs of TransLink.

The below thread highlights my efforts to reach Mr. Kevin Quinn so that I can inform him, and a remedy/ solution can be found but as you can see from the response below, Kevin does not have time to discuss these problems. Hence La Panache Consulting is reaching out to you all. We are hopeful that after reading/ understanding the point, you will grant us an audience/ meeting where we can further elaborate on the problems and brief you on our suggested solutions.

Now I will come to my point.

Few years ago, there were different Employee Resource Groups (ERG) created within TransLink. I will mention two groups a) Women and Allies ERG, b) LGBTQ2+ ERG. The purpose of these employee groups was to further promote the rights of these individuals/ groups within TransLink, to achieve a more fair and equitable system for everyone. Now, when I see the activities of LGBTQ2+ ERG, I understand that as they are in a minority so they need to do certain events so that they can achieve their rights. But when it comes to Women and Allies ERG, I do not understand that why women must act like a minority to get their rights? The mere existence of Women and Allies ERG is a testament to the fact that women rights are not met within the company, and they are forced to act like a minority within the company.

My research shows that women are not a minority and are represented equally in the Canadian/ BC labor force. Also, the Canadian Law declares them as equal individuals to men. And I know that God created them equal too. So why they are forced to act like a minority to achieve their equal rights? Why cannot men/ management grant women their equal rights? Why are they made to fight/ scheme for them?

Problem: La Panache Consulting thinks that asking women to wait for their equal rights and forcing them to act like a minority is an intentional act carried out by some men and it is very similar to a lollipop given to a child when he/she is crying.

La Panache Consulting wants to help you all to end this grave injustice and will do EVERYTHING in our control to remedy this situation. We are ready to move ahead with contacting the Mayor’s Council/ Independent Screening Panel/ Media/ Public Trial. We are hopeful that you will understand our just request and meet with us. We will run a Culture Management Office, CMO (read below) and will provide a more equitable, reliable, happy, fair, transparent, efficient, and productive system to TransLink in six months. This will certainly result in a much better transit system for the whole Metro Vancouver. We also offer a 100% customer satisfaction money back guarantee for our services.

We are also hopeful that you will not send us a generic response i.e., that come in our next meeting to speak for 2 min. We all know that these matters cannot be discussed in couple of minutes and need a dedicated time and effort to resolve.

I look forward to hearing back from you.



Email # 6: Sent to Men & Women

Date: Sept 8, 2022

Subject: It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later!

Dear Joe (and Marie),

I hope you are well.

I purposefully delayed my response because I sensed that you were in an emotionally elevated state, and I did not want to irk you further. I do not see you as my foe, in fact I want you as a friend. You also used the word “incoherent diatribes”, so I will use this opportunity to explain things in detail (in the hopes that people can understand my point). But first few disclaimers,

  1. If you do not want me to email you back, then please do not respond to me. It is essential for me to respond if someone comes to me. And this was the first time you ever asked me not to email you.
  2. The only reason I added Marie (your wife) to this email is that she might act as a force of peace and wisdom in this situation (in case you again become angry).
  3. There is a long list of people in the Bcc field of this email. It has nothing to do with you, it just optimizes things for me.

First, I will honestly narrate my experience with you. I came to you to seek your help to fix the problem of homelessness, but you did not help as I was not able to openly tell you about my plans and exact ideas. I want to ask did you know which path your life will take 30 years ago. I only know the starting and He/She/ Them gave me a rough vision of the end. I just know that homelessness will be fixed, now how can I say that which path this journey will take? Have you never embarked on a journey by just trusting God? I also know that you see people with a mindset of low-level and high-level people. I noticed this in our first interaction. Also, now you became so upset on the idea of women having equal and fair rights that you included my prospective client (TransLink) in your initial reply (which was a “Fuck Off”). Joe, when God shows tough times to a person, it should bring him closer to God and should bring humility in him/her.

Anyways as I said I will explain things for you, so I will come to it.

  1. Geo-Politics: Joe, in my initial emails I have explained the sequence of events which happened in the world. I will explain them here again. 2001: 9/11 happened (terrorism/ proxy wars started globally), 2007: Financial Crash happened (economic wars started), 2014: Oil Price Crash happened (another big move to crash economies), 2017: Brexit happened, 2020: Corona Virus happened (chemical/ bio warfare started). Though all these major events are upsetting and terrifying, but the most terrifying thing is the quick succession with which these moves were done. What is stopping another catastrophic event happening in our lives? Are you aware of the amount of misery these events have brought on the humanity in general? I am hopeful that you do not believe in official descriptions of media for these events. A new billionaire was created every 2nd day of Corona Virus while over 265 million people were pushed into extreme poverty in these two years globally (please research this). Even Elon Musk has mentioned that the biggest threat to humanity is de-population (please google it). Joe, there is a sinister plot happening in this world and a group of people are about to make their final moves to end the Tree of Life on this Kingdom of God. Joe, down below in this thread, I have explained that how the elite have made humans slave already (please go through it once again). I can even tell you that their leader is present amongst us, and his/ her/ them disciples are preparing the world for his/her/ them final move for a long time now.
  2. Gender Equality: Joe, please read this point with a cool mind. I know men egos come into play by the idea of losing control but please understand that one of the other party moves was to create competition between our men and our women. God created a relationship of love and respect amongst a man and a woman, but they have carefully replaced love/respect with competition. They used technology to infiltrate porn in every home and made men lose the respect of women. Thus, further enhancing the divide between us. God kept few things respected and hidden but they tactfully removed them in the name of freedom. Now they are changing the meaning of love too.

Today, our women are unhappy and competing with us. Divorce, stress, mental illness, drugs, and abuse is so common. Men and women are equally unhappy; streets are not safe for women. Do you really believe that the society/ system we men created is an ideal system? If yes, then why people are not happy. All I am advocating for is an equal representation of women in decision making process. Women will create a more just, fair, and problem free system. They have been given compassion and empathy from God; they have maternal instincts naturally. They will take care of the neglected ones (homeless and about to become homeless) people better than us. Also, if we do not respectfully/ lovingly give our women the option to get their just and equal rights then they will create weak men, which in turn will result in us getting overcome by the men from the other side. It is essential for us to allow women decide things for themselves and restore the fabric of family in our societies. I generally do not talk on racial tones, but the Caucasian race is most vulnerable in this aspect. Women do not want kids anymore, have you thought where this trend is leading us?

Joe, it is so simple to give women their rights. Women can hold annual women conferences for each city, here women can decide what kind of legislation/ laws they want. But please men should stay away from their decision-making process. In my email to the board of directors of TransLink, I already mentioned that women represent 50% of the labor force and we also agree that women are equal but different from men. So, they should be given full autonomy to decide their rights. With today’s technology, it is not difficult to arrange such conferences where women from all over the city are represented (in-person/ online). With this gesture our men will win the trust and love of our women back and the society will restore its peace which is lost lately. I will also mention that the younger generation is very different from baby boomers, and they will welcome a message/ gesture of peace and love, but they need the right direction/ guidance (they are getting bombarded by wrong messaging and misinformation daily i.e., social media)

Suggested Solution: Joe, I will request that you read this point with cool temper also and try to understand it. I am sure that you understand that it is a huge task to make people follow a movement or someone. We have examples in history where some leaders made a country follow them. I agree that with plenty of resources/ propaganda, some people have gathered masses successfully but never to a level where billions of people follow them. This has only been achieved with divine help and was achieved by prophets of God. Joe, making 1.7 billion people follow prophet Muhammad is not only human work. Period!

My point is that you must understand that prophet Muhammad PBUH was the messenger of God, just like Jesus was His prophet. So, if prophet Muhammad PBUH was God’s messenger and Muslims follow him then why Christians and Muslims are fighting each other. I agree that today’s Muslims (at large) do not represent the teachings of prophet Muhammad and Quran but at least they have the same God as Christians. It is wrong to judge Islam by looking at its followers. In the same way Christians (at large) are not following Jesus’ teachings in spirit either. Will a message of unity and peace between Muslims and Christians not help the current world situation? I concede here that so far, I haven’t read neither Quran nor Bible, but I understand the crux/ message of both holy books. I want to read Quran with Christians and Bible with Muslims. Is asking Christians to read Quran and making Muslims read the Bible a terrible idea? In this way Christians can read the last book sent by God and can compare it with Bible and meanwhile I will be able to teach the concept of Trinity to Muslims. Will it not help in bringing peace to this world? Will it not remove confusions, misrepresentations, and nuisances amongst people? Will it not make this world a Kingdom of God again?

Joe, we had multiple interactions so far. Did I come across as a liar even once? I can explain so many other things, but I must be concise, so you read it but is it a wise thing to reject someone without even knowing him/ her? I am attaching my full life story with this email, so you have more information on me. Joe, truthful people do not hide information and are always ready for a conversation. If you still think that you should not help me (or fight me) then it’s your choice. May God show you the light soon.

Peace and Love!

Change a life today

Albert Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

Please subscribe/join so that you can stay connected with us. Our strategy is ever evolving, and your participation/ advice/ suggestion/ guidance is highly desired and welcomed. We are hell bent on removing homelessness from our communities and can go a long way with your support.

Thank you!